I. Concept
One fourth of July, after burgers, wine, cheese, & board games, Carlo (singer/drummer of Stolas) told me how desperately he wanted to do a drum play through where the drums don’t show up until they’re played. A few days later, we met up in the middle of the night, & two days after that, this video was uploaded to Facebook.
II. Execution
This production was shot on a Nikon D750, fixed on a tripod. I had Carlo play the song a dozen different times with every drum combination needed & then cut the footage together in Premiere Pro.
III. Epilogue
If you know Carlo, you know he’s a wacky guy with wacky ideas. This was one of my favorites, & I’m thrilled to be the one to help it come to fruition.
If I could do it again, I would swing a lot more focus to precision in regards to drum/carpet placement, but overall, I’m just glad I was able to appease my inner Michel Gondry.